loosely based on W. Busch: "Happiness often comes from paying attention to small things, unhappiness often comes from neglecting small things." ...
We look forward to helping hands in organizing and cleaning up the book cell and hope for many more public activities with you in the neighbourhood.
a new (book) year lies ahead of us...
From the AWO meeting center there are more information events & storytelling cafes at the book cell
also in the following months ...
Tuesday - 18.03.2025 from 9 to 11 am
Tuesday - 1.04.2025 from 9 to 11 am
BüZe friends and the AWO meeting center invited on 01.01.2025
to a New Year's clean-up with punch and cookies at the book cell.
So we can start the New Year clean again.
Happy New (BüZe) Year to you all
In cooperation with the AWO meeting center, there were several storytelling cafés at the book cell.
The Löbtau Advent also took place again at various locations in the district.
This included a reading at the book cell on Schillingplatz.
feel free to contribute yourselves and simply write a few lines
to the following e-mail jan[at]konglomerat.org
Anyone can get involved in their local community. At the BücherZelle, everyone has easy access and can help, whether sorting books or organizing neighborhood festivals. The book cell invites you to browse, read and exchange books and is appreciated and used by many. Nevertheless, someone has to take care of its usability at all times of the day and night. In addition to the volunteer work at the exchange cabinet, further support is needed, not only in the supervision, but also in the mediation of different user groups. In order to expand the circle of committed users and establish the exchange point in the Löbtau neighborhood, cooperation with residents, communities, initiatives, institutions and project partners should be expanded and consolidated.
We would like to put the BücherZelle on its own feet soon and empower the neighborhood to shape its own environment in a self-organized way.
Feel free to get in touch with suggestions and ideas
Exchange via Telegram channel
Committed and open-minded people are needed to continue this open space in the district.
We are looking for people from the neighborhood who will take on this challenge and help, be it with the care, maintenance and sorting of the books, with building and repairing, with actions and talking about what moves the neighborhood. We offer support and networking to open workshops and other spaces. Help with small and large events and support via Konglomerat e.V. and the Löbtop neighborhood association and other friends of Löbtauer Runde.
The aim should be an open platform for independent cultural contributions and open cooperation in the neighborhood.
Do you find this idea interesting? Do you want to develop this idea further? Or would you like to create something yourself around the corner?
Send us your idea or a point of accessibility in the neighborhood.
We look forward to a neighborly exchange!
Feel free to join our Telegram channel: https://t.me/buecherzelle_01159_loebtau
E-mail : jan@konglomerat.org
Tel : 0176 40 398 481 , 0157 15 14 692
A discarded telephone box becomes a public exchange library
After two years of planning and development, the book cell has been located on Schillingplatz in Dresden-Löbtau since October 2017. We chose this location together with the city planning office, which initiated the project as well as providing financial and non-material support.
The aim is to upgrade the beautiful but somewhat inanimate square. However, the BücherZelle is designed in such a way that it can also move to another public space in Dresden.
Many partners have accompanied us through all the difficulties so far - such as the planning and approval of the location or the construction and expansion.
The BücherZelle is to land on Schillingplatz, a square surrounded by Wilhelminian-style buildings with trees, benches and a garbage collection point. The BücherZelle is intended to activate this somewhat dormant location.
Konglomerat e.V. has started to develop the project in cooperation with the Dresden city planning office and volunteers. Löbtau should be enriched with a book cell that is freely accessible to everyone. The plan is to set up a converted telephone box, which can then hold around 100 books. A special bookshelf will provide the space for this.
This can then be filled and emptied by everyone. The cell is open to the public, free of charge and accessible at any time of day. Donated books, journals, magazines... can be borrowed, returned, taken out, given away or kept free of charge. The principle of exchange and swapping prevails.
The long-term goal is also to create another book cell for Dresden. Some people may be familiar with the exchange cell in front of the TU Dresden lecture hall center (also co-developed by Konglomerat e.V.), the book exchange cell at the Dresden Trade Fair or the 'El Tauscho' exchange store in Dresden's Neustadt district. The Löbtauer BücherZelle is transportable and can also travel.
As an innovation, this cell will also be accompanied by intensive content and thus represents a curated exchange library. Don't worry - nothing will be thrown out, but we might always put something special in there! The extension will be of high quality and robust. We will visit regularly and clean it from time to time. This should increase the quality of the exchange location.
The initial target groups are all Löbtau residents and residents in the immediate vicinity, but generally all lovers of bound books, magazines, zine culture and other print products and analog media. Children, young people, adults, senior citizens - anyone can find, hand in or swap something in a TauschZelle.
The Löbtau Advent on the first weekend of Advent has become a small tradition. Young and old once again have the opportunity to stroll through the district together.
Here are some impressions of Advent 2022 >>
In cooperation with Löbtop e.V. , initiatives and neighboring communities
FB - Saturday 2.12 - Jacamara at Schillingplatz
Who is behind the project?
Many supporters have already helped ...
Idea: Ricarda Häuser, Dresden Urban Planning Office, Urban Renewal Department
Concept, planning, construction supervision: Jan Minack, Marc Schmidt, Fridolin Pflüger
Sponsor: Konglomerat e.V.
Workshop & warehouse: #Rosenwerk
Project supervisor: Mathias Flörke-Kempe, Dresden Urban Planning Office, Urban Renewal Department
Delivery of telephone booth: Produktionsbüro Dresden
Metal construction: SWB - Seidel Werkzeugbau, Volker Seidel, Brand-Erbisdorf
Structural engineering: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Nietzold, Dresden
Interior fittings: Ferdinand Kunath, Dresden
Electrics & lighting: Johann Sendzik, Dresden
Wrapping: breitergestalten, Dresden
Transportation: Radensleben Transporte, Dresden; Boehland Transporte, Dresden